
The lab values are listed below.

Attentive, kind, and honest in communication

Communication is one of the most difficult, yet one of the most important interpersonal skills. Skillful communication can be cultivated. We try to foster a laboratory based on attentive, kind, and honest communication. We will dedicate some time to think about what it means for us individually and as a group and support each other in becoming better communicators with ourselves and each other.

Celebrate and support each other

While there is awareness that the science of today rewards the individual rather than the group, we rejoice in the success of others. We have limited influence on current scientific reward systems, therefore it is important to acknowledge that we are part of a collective striving towards a larger goal. Without the people in our environment nothing is possible, and nothing would be achieved.

Embrace diversity

We value diversity and try to minimise biases. This is not always easy therefore we keep each other in check when unconscious biases, false beliefs, or another sneaky mind-blindness maybe at play. Our goal is to achieve equality of opportunity.

Acknowledge and learn from failure(s)

We help each other failing towards our goals and acknowledge that every new path requires trial and error. This is the foundation of learning.